Learning Communities

Learning across your courses

A learning community is a first-year seminar linked to one or more general education courses that a cohort of 25 freshmen take together. Students build close friendships with their peers and make connections with their faculty, advisor, and peer mentor. Learning community students explore and apply ideas across courses and through out-of-class activities make connections between classwork and life experiences.

Facts about learning communities

25Every learning community is capped at 25 students

110Learning community students engaged in 110 out-of-class activities last year

#1The number one reason students love their learning community is being in classes with the same people

Former learning community student

We were like a family—we helped each other learn and grow. This really has helped me feel welcomed into this community.

Former learning community student

Enhance your college experience

themed learning community members posing for a photo


Make close connections

"The learning community allowed me to make those close connections in a small circle of people, which made me more comfortable and more apt for learning."

students assisting children in a lab experiment

Real-life connections

Experience outside the classroom

"What I liked most about my learning community was going on our little field trips and being able to interact with each other. It brought us together as a community."

students making observations about an art piece


Tools for success

"I think having such a caring group of teachers was what I enjoyed the most. They didn't give me success; they gave me all the tools I needed to be successful."

students gathered around a teacher giving a speech

Relevant experiences

Real-world learning

"I liked how everything we learned was relevant to the real world. We had a lot of stimulating discussions in class, and we all had the opportunity to share our opinions and values."

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